Monday, November 2, 2009

FedEx to China

On Friday I heard from the adoption agency that our dossier has been approved by the Chinese Consulate here in the States. It was being sent by FedEx to China. They expected it to arrive today. We are also being transferred within the agency to a new representative who will be working with us at this stage of the process.

What this means:
1) The paperwork is done. We are entering the waiting period for our referral to a child.

2) The waiting period for the referral is still somewhere around three to four years.

How things happen from here:
Our dossier will be received by the CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs) where it will be logged into their system. We will receive a log-in date (known as a LID) by which we can access the CCAA and see the status of our dossier. The dossier will be moving about to various departments within the CCAA as different pieces of paperwork are approved.

We are expecting to know our LID within three to four weeks.

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